

The Death of Consensus with Dominic Sandbrook & Phil Tinline

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Over Britain’s first century of mass democracy, politics has lurched from crisis to crisis. A Times Book of the Year, ‘The Death of Consensus’ by writer and documentary-maker Phil Tinline brings to life those times, past and present, when the consensus—or the great compromise holding democracy together—has come apart, and the political class has been forced to make a choice of nightmares.

In this episode, listen to Phil in conversation with historian Dominic Sandbrook about whether consensus has ever existed in British politics, how politics is transformed through fear, and the way in which apparent catastrophes can clear the path to a new era.

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About this podcast

AfterWords explores the stories behind groundbreaking books. From colonialism and genocide to mysterious deaths and Brexit Britain, listen for lively discussions between authors and journalists. Produced by George McDonagh, for Hurst Publishers.

Theme music is from
"Particles - Inspiring Emotional Romantic" by Rafael Krux (
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by Hurst Publishers


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