

Corporate Peace, with Mary Martin

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We live in an era of big brands. Companies that wield incredible power and influence around the world. But as we all know, with great power comes great responsibility…

Can companies do more than generate profits in the poorest and most fragile parts of the world? Should they move beyond simply ‘doing no harm’? In her book 'Corporate Peace', Mary Martin shows how big business is increasingly important in building a safer world.

In this episode, Mary will be in conversation with Quilt.Ai’s Angad Singh Chowdhry about how businesses can use their influence for the common good, the potential dangers of their involvement in peacebuilding, and whether corporate peace is possible.

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About this podcast

AfterWords explores the stories behind groundbreaking books. From colonialism and genocide to mysterious deaths and Brexit Britain, listen for lively discussions between authors and journalists. Produced by George McDonagh, for Hurst Publishers.

Theme music is from
"Particles - Inspiring Emotional Romantic" by Rafael Krux (
License: CC BY (

by Hurst Publishers


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